Sice pořád tvrdím, že focení není atletika, aby se v něm nesmyslně soutěžilo, ale myslím, že je dobré využít každé příležitosti k prezentování své práce.
Drobným škraloupem na uděleném ocenění byla absence diakritiky v mém jméně na diplomu, ale už se jim do druhé verze podařilo háček a čárku dostat.

Vyhlášení výsledku ze stránek Federation of European Professional Photographers:
FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year 2011 - WINNERS
Friday, 21 October 2011 09:11 |
We are proud to inform you that the winners of probably one of the
world’s most important professional photography competitions have now
been declared.
"The Golden Camera winners represent the best of
the best. The judges have worked very hard in +selekt+ing the winners from
this fine assortment of high quality images", says Chairman of the
Jury, Master QEP, Jørgen Brandt, adding, "The images from the
competition illustrates that exceptionally high quality photographic
excellence comes in many forms, from different cultural regions - and
that we can all find inspiration in this diversity."
Herewith the list of the Golden, Silver and Bronze Cameras 2011:
René de Brunn, Germany: FEP European Commercial Golden Camera 2011
Xanti Rodriguez, Spain: FEP European Commercial Silver Camera 2011
Jose Luis Guardia Vazquez, Spain: FEP European Commercial Bronze Camera 2011
Oriol Jolonch, Spain: FEP European Illustrative Golden Camera 2011
Jose Diogo Freitas, Portugal: FEP European Illustrative Silver Camera 2011
Germàn Arce, Spain: FEP European Illustrative Bronze Camera 2011
Ondrej Prosicky, Czech Rep.: FEP European Landscape Golden Camera 2011
Filip Kulisev, Slovakia: FEP European Landscape Silver Camera 2011
Jiri Stransky, Czech Rep.: FEP European Landscape Bronze Camera 2011
Igor Sakharov, Russia: FEP HAHNEMÜHLE European Portrait Golden Camera 2011
Ingrid van Heteren, Netherlands: FEP HAHNEMÜHLE European Portrait Silver Camera 2011
Carl Tighe, Ireland: FEP HAHNEMÜHLE European Portrait Bronze Camera 2011
Antonio Gibotta, Italy: FEP European Reportage Golden Camera 2011
Paolo Barbuio, Italy: FEP European Reportage Silver Camera 2011
Philippe Le Jeune, France: FEP European Reportage Bronze Camera 2011
Javier Avis Barrado, Spain: FEP European Wedding Golden Camera 2011
Xanti Rodriguez, Spain: FEP European Wedding Silver Camera 2011
Jose Luis Guardia Peinado Spain: FEP European Wedding Bronze Camera 2011
Soh Chee Loon Jericho, Singapore: FEP International Photographers’ Golden Camera 2011
Lucas Ting, Malaysia:FEP International Photographers’ Silver Camera 2011
Tami Reynolds, Canada: FEP International Photographers’ Bronze Camera 2011
Luca Leon Fasching, Austria: FEP European Students and Young Photographers’ Golden Camera 2011
Dawid Krysiak, Poland: FEP European Students and Young Photographers’ Silver Camera 2011
Marjan Kegels, Belgium: FEP European Students and Young Photographers’ Bronze Camera 2011
winners of the 6 categories and the 2 special sections will be
presented with their FEP European Golden Cameras at an unforgettable
ceremony on November 26th in the prestigious gallery of the Silken
Hotel, Brussels.
From amongst the 6 winners of the 6 categories,
we will present the overall winner as our FEP European Professional
Photographer of the Year 2011.
The competition is again proudly
supported, for the 4th consecutive year, by EPSON, who will print the
exhibition of all the winning images.
The winner of the Portrait category will receive the HAHNEMUHLE FEP Portrait Golden Camera.
Last updated on Friday, 21 October 2011 09:46 |
Související odkazy
Fep European Professional Photographer of the Year 2011 - WINNERS (tisková zpráva)
Fep European Professional Photographer of the Year 2011 (vítězné snímky)
Ondřej Prosický - soutěžní snímky
QEP - Qualified European Photographer
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(24 příspěvků) Přidat komentářpřijmi mé nejupřímnější blahopřání! Škoda, že jsem se nepřihlásil na nějaký Tvůj WS dřív, teď už tam bude narváno a já budu umět zase kulový ...;-)
Ozvi se někdy a pozdravuj doma!
blahopřejeme !!